Team Management

Building onboarding is a collaborative effort. Therefore Userflow allows you to add your team to the same Userflow account so you can all collaborate on building the content.

Team member roles

Currently Userflow has the following team member roles

  • Owner: The main owner and contact of the Userflow account. Can edit the content and settings, and invite/remove team members.
  • Admin: The builders of the content, can edit the content and settings.
  • Editor: Can create and edit all content but cannot delete it. Allowed to publish to designated environments if permitted. No access to team management or billing.
  • Viewer: A read-only role. Can view the content and settings. Note you can add unlimited viewers on pro and above.

How to add a team member

Only Owners can add team members. To add a team member

  1. Go to Settings -> Team
  2. Click Invite team member
  3. Insert the name and email, and role of the team member you want to add
  4. Click send invite

The team member will receive an email with a button they have to click to accept the invite. This is also the case even if the team member already has an account with Userflow.

How to remove a team member

Only Owners can remove team members. To remove a team member

  1. Go to Settings -> Team
  2. Click on the 3-dot menu next to the team member
  3. Click Remove member

How to change the role of a team member

Only Owners can change the role of team members. To change the role of a team member

  1. Go to Settings -> Team
  2. Click on the 3-dot menu next to the team member
  3. Click Change role and select the role.

How to make another team member the Owner

Only Owners can reassign a new team member to be Owner. To Assign a new owner.

  1. Go to Settings -> Team
  2. Click on the 3-dot menu next to the team member
  3. Click transfer ownership to this user

If the Owner left your company then reach out to or via our website chat for assistance.

Got questions? We're here for you!

The best way to get help is to
We usually reply within 5 minutes
You can also send an email to
We usually reply within a few hours