Userflow.js Installation
Before your users can see the flows and other content you build, you need to install Userflow.js in your web app.
Userflow.js is a tiny piece of JavaScript code (~15 kB), which is loaded asynchronously in your web app, so it won’t affect your page load speed.
The installation is simple and only requires 3 quick steps:
- Step 1: Choose installation method
- Step 2: Install Userflow.js
- Step 3: Replace placeholders
- Optional: Add custom attributes
- Optional: Enforce identity verification
- Optional: Install Userflow for unauthenticated users
Step 1: Choose installation method
Userflow.js can be installed in one of 2 ways:
Browser apps using module bundlers (such as Webpack or Rollup)
- Go to Step 2A (npm installation)
Other browser apps and Google Tag Manager
- Go to Step 2B (HTML snippet installation)
We also have specific instructions for special apps/tools:
Step 2A: npm installation
We recommend installing Userflow.js using the userflow.js npm package.
First, run this in your Terminal:
npm install userflow.js
Import and use the userflow
object from the userflow.js
import userflow from 'userflow.js'
userflow.identify('USER_ID', {
name: 'USER_NAME',
email: 'USER_EMAIL',
signed_up_at: 'USER_SIGNED_UP_AT'
Important: Make sure to replace the RED
placeholders with real, dynamic values from your app! See Step 3.
Step 2B: HTML snippet installation
Only do this if you did not complete Step 2A.
Copy-paste the following snippet into your HTML document before the ending </body>
!function(){var e="undefined"==typeof window?{}:window,t=e.userflow,r=e.history;function n(t,n){return function(){var o=new CustomEvent(n),,a=t.apply(r,s);return e.dispatchEvent(o),a}}if(r){e.__userflowStatePatched=!0;var o=r.pushState,s=r.replaceState;r.pushState=n(o,"userflow:pushstate"),r.replaceState=n(s,"userflow:replacestate")}if(!t){var a="",l=null;t=e.userflow={_stubbed:!0,load:function(){return l||(l=new Promise((function(t,r){var n=document.createElement("script");n.async=!0;var o=e.USERFLOWJS_ENV_VARS||{};"es2020"===(o.USERFLOWJS_BROWSER_TARGET||function(e){for(var t=[[/Edg\//,/Edg\/(\d+)/,80],[/OPR\//,/OPR\/(\d+)/,67],[/Chrome\//,/Chrome\/(\d+)/,80],[/CriOS\//,/CriOS\/(\d+)/,100],[/Safari\//,/Version\/(\d+)/,14],[/Firefox\//,/Firefox\/(\d+)/,74]],r=0;r<t.length;r++){var n=t[r],o=n[0],s=n[1],a=n[2];if(e.match(o)){var l=e.match(new RegExp(s));if(l&&parseInt(l[1],10)>=a)return"es2020";break}}return"legacy"}(navigator.userAgent))?(n.type="module",n.src=o.USERFLOWJS_ES2020_URL||a+"es2020/userflow.js"):n.src=o.USERFLOWJS_LEGACY_URL||a+"legacy/userflow.js",n.onload=function(){t()},n.onerror=function(){document.head.removeChild(n),l=null;var e=new Error("Could not load Userflow.js");console.warn(e.message),r(e)},document.head.appendChild(n)}))),l}};var u=e.USERFLOWJS_QUEUE=e.USERFLOWJS_QUEUE||[],i=function(e){t[e]=function(){var;t.load(),u.push([e,null,r])}},c=function(e){t[e]=function(){var r,;t.load();var o=new Promise((function(e,t){r={resolve:e,reject:t}}));return u.push([e,r,n]),o}},d=function(e,r){t[e]=function(){return r}};i("_setTargetEnv"),i("closeResourceCenter"),i("disableEvalJs"),i("init"),i("off"),i("on"),i("prepareAudio"),i("registerCustomInput"),i("remount"),i("reset"),i("setBaseZIndex"),i("setCustomInputSelector"),i("setCustomNavigate"),i("setCustomScrollIntoView"),i("setInferenceAttributeFilter"),i("setInferenceAttributeNames"),i("setInferenceClassNameFilter"),i("setResourceCenterLauncherHidden"),i("setScrollPadding"),i("setServerEndpoint"),i("setShadowDomEnabled"),i("setPageTrackingDisabled"),i("setUrlFilter"),i("setLinkUrlDecorator"),i("openResourceCenter"),i("toggleResourceCenter"),c("endAll"),c("endAllFlows"),c("endChecklist"),c("group"),c("identify"),c("identifyAnonymous"),c("start"),c("startFlow"),c("startWalk"),c("track"),c("updateGroup"),c("updateUser"),d("getResourceCenterState",null),d("isIdentified",!1)}}();
userflow.identify('USER_ID', {
name: 'USER_NAME',
email: 'USER_EMAIL',
signed_up_at: 'USER_SIGNED_UP_AT'
Important: Make sure to replace the RED
placeholders with real, dynamic values from your app! See Step 3.
Step 3: Replace placeholders
In the code you copy-pasted above, replace USERFLOW_TOKEN
with the Userflow.js Token you find under Settings -> Environments. Note that if you have multiple environments (e.g. Production and Staging) that each environment has a unique token.
Next, replace USER_ID
with the currently signed in user’s ID in your database. Also replace USER_NAME
with the user’s real, dynamic values. signed_up_at
should be specified in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2019-12-11T12:34:56Z
The properties in userflow.identify()
‘s second argument are all optional. They’re useful for looking up users in Userflow to e.g. see their flow progress, or to use in the flow content or conditions. If you don’t want to share this with Userflow, feel free to leave out the argument completely.
That’s it! Your Userflow installation is ready.
Optional: Add custom attributes
Userflow.js supports sending custom attributes: Key-value pairs of data such as user role or other preferences. See Userflow.js Reference for how to use attributes.
Optional: Enforce identity verification
Identity verification is a Userflow security feature that prevents malicious third parties from impersonating your users.
We strongly recommend that you configure and enforce identity verification to safe-guard your users’ information.
See the identity verification guide
Optional: Install Userflow for uauthenticated users
Running userflow.identify()
is a mandatory part of the script. But if you want to show Userflow content on public pages to users who are not yet signed into your application, you can install the script on those pages and replace userflow.identify()
with userflow.identifyAnonymous()
. With this function Userflow.js will automatically assign the current user a unique ID. But note that they will count as users in the MAU balance.
See userflow.identifyAnonymous() docs